You may or may not know a lot about personal finance but what matters is whether you are actually doing it. I am not selling or pitching any financial products or investments, this is straight forward advice to keep you moving forward and not stuck in a rut. We will find out what is blocking you and then create a strategic plan that acknowledges your own fears, anxiety, concerns, and overwhelm.
I have studied this for years, I will customize that knowledge to you so that you go farther faster and feel confident with your money. Obviously, this is non-judgmental conversation. I have worked on my own money blocks and I believe we all have them so there is no judgement on where you are starting from.
Stop taking two steps forward and one step back. Give yourself the commitment to resolve, once and for all, the subconscious limitations you have around money.
The goal is to give you a competitive advantage. Working on your money mastery will put you ahead of the game. Everyone else is trying to figure it out on their own. You can take a leap ahead by learning from someone who has already done it.
Cut out the confusion that comes from reading and hearing random advice. Be more efficient by having a specific plan you can follow and stop getting derailed by feeling overwhelmed. Confusion and overwhelm keep you dis-empowered. It's time to take your power back.
To keep our session super productive and effective there will be a worksheet to complete before each call. This will maximize the time so we can focus on achieving the results you want.
Sometimes we are so close to a situation it is hard to see the right path. Having a supportive environment to stretch you to your greatest results is the key to making massive progress. I look forward to supporting you on your journey!
Starter session: $75
This session is for those who want personalized attention in finding your money block, or knowing which block to work on first. This is perfect if you are feeling overwhelmed and don't know where to begin. Once we address the root issue to work on, we will detail the next practical three steps you need to take now. This personalized action plan will fit your specific situation and the resources and skills you have now.
What's Included:
One 30 minute session via phone or Skype - Includes a pre-consultation worksheet for you to fill out before our session in order to maximize our time together.
3 part series: $195
This series is designed to create massive progress. This is way beyond just finance tips, we will work on your money with your specific block and beliefs in mind. This three part series makes sure your money doesn't suffer from lack of attention. Creating focused time to work exclusively on making and keeping more money in your business has the power to radically shift your business.
What's Included:
Three 30 minute sessions via phone or Skype. Includes pre-consultation worksheets for you to fill out before each session in order to maximize our time together.
• Session 1: In the first session, we create the three action steps that are tailored to you and your situation.
• Sessions 2 & 3: In the remaining sessions we will focus on what will make you the most profitable because ultimately it is profit that creates the lifestyle you want. This is why focusing on your money is the most important thing you can do for your business.
If you're ready to begin your journey on the path to success, please enter your contact details and a short message below and I will try to answer your query as soon as possible.